01005 Rework – barricades and technological processes

01005 Rework – barricades and technological processes
Touch up and repair processes need to fulfil the high-quality demands of today’s highly integrated and complex electronic products.
Production Floor


Authored By:

Joerg Nolte
Ersa GmbH
Wertheim, Germany


Chip components are important elements in electronic production since surface mount technology was introduced. Over the years, package size has constantly decreased. The small resistors and capacitors are still required, even if chip designs and integration rates for integrated circuits are improving almost constantly as well. 0201 packages are state-of-the-art in electronic production and smaller versions enter the market rapidly. While production systems like screen printers and pick-and-place machines can handle the small chips perfectly, touch up and repair processes become more challenging and many questions arise. What are the obstacles in the rework of 0201 and 01005 components? Which strategies and equipment lead to successful repair of these extremely small and sensitive devices?


As 01005s and even smaller components are becoming more common in electronic assemblies, it is clear that the demand for prototyping and repair of such elements will rise. At the same time, process repeatability and process documentation are becoming more important. No process without documentation is the goal. All OEM and contract manufacturers are heading the same direction, and the system suppliers are requested to offer integrated, highly automated rework solutions for all kinds of assemblies and components. It can be foreseen that further steps will be integrated into advanced rework system solutions: Component loss alerts as well as automatic post placement and post soldering inspection are only some examples.

Initially Published in the SMTA Proceedings


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