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Is No-Clean the Trend for QFN Components?
Is No-Clean the Trend for QFN Components?
Is there a move to no-clean for QFN components, or will certain technologies have to continue using a traditional cleaning process? The Assembly Brothers, Phil Zarrow and Jim Hall, address this question and share their own experiences and expertise.
Board Talk

Risk Mitigation in Hand Soldering
Risk Mitigation in Hand Soldering
A new validation technology in concert with visual inspection represents a change to the status quo in hand soldering.
Production Floor

Leveraging America's Enormous Deep Tech Advantage
Leveraging America's Enormous Deep Tech Advantage
At the same time that America’s ability to manufacture and build has atrophied, its advantage in so-called “Deep Technologies” has exploded.
Technology Briefing

Cavity Board SMT Assembly Challenges
Cavity Board SMT Assembly Challenges
This study is to identifies the challenges related to assembly of a package into a cavity on the board, and establish the best known method for SMT assembly success.
Analysis Lab

Managing blooming in an adhesives process
Managing blooming in an adhesives process
If you have ever used a cyanoacrylate adhesive, you may have seen blooming — a chalky, white residue on the surface of your part.
Materials Tech

Implementing Automation and Ai for Electronic Card Assembly
Implementing Automation and Ai for Electronic Card Assembly
AI solutions could be integrated into the automation process to further improve the production operation. This paper discusses the challenges in implementation.
Production Floor

Healthcare Gaps That Only Technology Can Fill
Healthcare Gaps That Only Technology Can Fill
Digital Health is comprised of wearable, implantable technology, web and email, mobile technology, software, social networking, data management and analytics.
Analysis Lab

Step Stencil Setup
Step Stencil Setup
When shifting from standard solder paste stencils to step stencils, should we change the pressure or attack angle?
Board Talk

Reliable Nickel-Free Surface Finish for High-Frequency-HDI PCB
Reliable Nickel-Free Surface Finish for High-Frequency-HDI PCB
In this paper, assemblies involving this nickel-less novel surface finish have been subjected to extended thermal exposure, then intermetallics analyses.
Materials Tech

Muscle-Powered Robotic Leg More Efficient than Conventional Ones
Muscle-Powered Robotic Leg More Efficient than Conventional Ones
Muscle-powered robotic is energy efficient. It can also perform high jumps and fast movements as well as detect and react to obstacles without complex sensors.
Technology Briefing