February 20, 2025
Case Studies of Harsh Application Environments
This paper will present scenarios where environmental factors played a role in inducing various degradation mechanisms to Rockwell products. The paper will attempt to concentrate on the unusual scenarios, or where assumptions were made too early in the analytical process that likely hindered efficient determination of root cause.
Analysis Lab
How Precise are Your Temp. Readings?
Did you know thermocouple attachment method can significantly impact the accuracy of thermal profiling temperature readings? Find out what this study revealed.
Selective Solder Paste Printing for BGA Components
Could we print paste only on the pads that have functional requirements? Could we skip printing on 50 or more of the interior pads since they serve no function? The Assembly Brother, Phil Zarrow and Jim Hall, discuss this topic and share their own experiences.
Board Talk
Tin Flakes/Splashes in SMT
An increasing of electrical shorts reported in several testers was noticed. Initially, it was found than more of the 80% of the shorts corresponding to thin metal flakes/splashes.
Analysis Lab