A New Route to a Quantum Computer

A New Route to a Quantum Computer
Researchers believe a new silicon chip that uses quantum bits, represents a new route to a quantum computer.
Technology Briefing


Scientists from Bristol‘s Centre for Quantum Photonics have developed a silicon chip that in the near future will use quantum particles to perform complex calculations and simulations that simply cannot be done by today‘s computers.

These researchers believe their device represents a new route to a quantum computer, which uses quantum bits, known as qubits that can process a much larger amount of information at a greater rate.

Professor Jeremy O‘Brien, Director of the Centre for Quantum Photonics states,  - we believe, using our new technique, a quantum computer could, in less than ten years, be performing calculations that are outside the capabilities of conventional computers. O‘Brien adds that until now, it‘s been widely believed a quantum computer would not become a reality for at least 25 years.

The technique developed in Bristol uses two identical particles of light, known as photons, moving along a network of circuits in a silicon chip to perform an experiment known as a - quantum walk. As O‘Brien explains, - Using a two-photon system, we can perform calculations that are exponentially more complex than before.

He adds, - Each time we add a photon, the complexity of the problem we are able to solve increases exponentially... a two-photon system can give 100 outcomes and a three-photon system 1,000 solutions and so on.

There are, of course, challenges, but researchers expect that their technique will help in important processes such as the development of more efficient solar cells and the designing of high-tech materials and new pharmaceuticals.


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