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Rework, Repair, Modification
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Calculating Failure Rate During Rework
Calculating Failure Rate During Rework
Is there a way to estimate the potential failure rate introduced by hand rework on one SMT part? Phil Zarrow and Jim Hall, also known as The Assembly Brothers, offer their own expertise and experience when answering this question.
Board Talk

Addressing Low-Temperature Rework Concerns
Addressing Low-Temperature Rework Concerns
This paper will detail the material properties and rework considerations of using a eutectic tin/bismuth solid wire and SAC305 flux cored wire in a rework setting.
Analysis Lab

Do BGA Components Warp During Reflow?
Do BGA Components Warp During Reflow?
We recently reworked a BGA component and the corners all bridged. Can these components be removed and reused if we remove the warp?
Board Talk

What is Considered Acceptable PCB Rework and Repair?
What is Considered Acceptable PCB Rework and Repair?
An operator attempted to repair three damaged conductors using bus wire overcoated with epoxy. Do you consider this repair acceptable?
Board Talk

01005 Rework – barricades and technological processes
01005 Rework – barricades and technological processes
Touch up and repair processes need to fulfil the high-quality demands of today’s highly integrated and complex electronic products.
Production Floor

How To Strip Tin-Lead Solder From SMT Pads for RoHS
How To Strip Tin-Lead Solder From SMT Pads for RoHS
Is it possible to scrub the pads of a PCB to bring it back into compliance? 63-37 solder was mistakenly used to hand solder parts.
Board Talk

Rework Practices for MicroLEDs and Other Highly Miniaturized SMT Components
Rework Practices for MicroLEDs and Other Highly Miniaturized SMT Components
This paper will focus on practices and innovative solutions to successfully repair these miniaturized, sensitive and often fragile components.
Analysis Lab

Is Customer Approval Required for Class 3 Repair?
Is Customer Approval Required for Class 3 Repair?
A non-aerospace customer's board was repaired without authorization. Does an IPC document state that customer approval is required for class 3 repairs?
Board Talk

Removing Warpage from PCBAs
Removing Warpage from PCBAs
We have populated boards with components on both sides that are warped. Components are varied height. What methods can we use to flatten them? Phil Zarrow and Jim Hall, The Assembly Brothers, discuss their recommendations.
Board Talk

Rework and Reball Challenges for Wafer-Level Packages
Rework and Reball Challenges for Wafer-Level Packages
The present work addresses the rework and reball challenges of a specific WLP case study, and suggests improvements for maintaining the true failure signature.
Analysis Lab