circuit insight

Optimizing Print Process for Mixed Technology

Optimizing Print Process for Mixed Technology
This paper covers methods for optimizing the print process so mixed technology products can be successfully produced.
Production Floor


Authored By:

Clive Ashmore, Mark Whitmore, Simon Clasper
Dek Printing Machines, Weymouth, United Kingdom


Within this paper the method of optimizing a print process in order that a mixed technology (heterogeneous) product can be successfully produced will be discussed.


We have seen from the results that by changing the squeegee and print process it is possible to influence the transfer efficiency of the print process. The requirement of today's SMT fabricators is to produce products that have extremely small features along side large features but with one process. This paper has shown that although this is a difficult process requirement there are solutions available.

The short overhang assemblies of both the 60 deg and 45 deg squeegees have proven that they provide a process in which the external influence of process adjustment have little effect on the transfer efficiency results. This situation is probably the most suited towards a, "poka-yoke" manufacturing solution as the process is in effect locked down. From a heterogeneous point of view the short overhang assembly most suited is the 45 deg assembly as the results from this squeegee exhibited increased transfer efficiency on area ratios.

The 60 deg 15mm overhang blade is compatible with heterogeneous assembly but as it has been discussed in previous sections, the process parameters have a significant impact on the resultant transfer efficiency therefore this solution requires a reasonably level of process knowledge to fully optimize the process.

Initially Published in the SMTA Proceedings


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