Do Vacuum Packed PCBs Need Baking?Board Talk
TranscriptPhil Our question today is from G.K. The question is, "I understand from some EMS industry sources that PCB baking is not necessary if the PCB is vacuum packed by the PCB supplier. Is this true or do we still need to consider baking for our process?" Jim In fact, the SMTA, which has had a Moisture Sensitivity Device Council for several years is now focusing most of its attention not on components, as has been the tradition, but on printed circuit boards. We also see that the IPC is proposing to establish some specs. They have a council, an IPC D-35 Printed Board Storage and Handling subcommittee and they are preparing a draft spec, IPC 1601 Guidance Document for Storage and Handling Issues for PWB's and Assemblies. And from reading the notes here, you can go to the website and check it out, what they're moving to is exactly the same kind of handling procedures both for suppliers, in this case PCB fab suppliers, and for assemblers in how you have to handle this. Phil Jim Phil Good old solder balls are everywhere. The other side of the coin is we always advise not to do any unnecessary baking if you don't have to. Jim Phil Jim Phil Jim So going back to the original question, if you keep them sealed in their vacuum bags, they're good as long as you don't expose them on the floor for more than 72 hours. Now that's a very general statement. In the notes, they also talk that different laminates that are going to be more sensitive than newer high Tg laminates specifically developed for lead-free assemblies. They're going to absorb moisture faster and they would get an MSL rating that would be higher. But again, this is just theory so it sounds like if you can guarantee that your boards aren't exposed more than 72 hours before their final reflow, you'll probably be in good shape. Phil Jim Phil And thank you for listening to Board Talk, this has been Phil and Jim, the Assembly Brothers of ITM Consulting, and remember ... Jim Phil Jim |